ColdCircle - Erik Johnson's Stuff
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This is not stable, it doesnt even work most of the time. I'll finish it off later, whenever.

A hotline-compatible client, hopefully to be much stabler than hotline's own, fragile client. It will display all the standard hotline avatars with CCAvatar.dll, wich requires your hotline.dat file to be in the same folder. It evern works with the Anicons package!. This is an alternate avatar DLL which you need to rename to CCAvatar.dll to use; it just displays the person's avatar ID # for (my) debugging porposes. No avatars will be displayed without the main CCAvatar.dll+HotlineCL.dat, or the renamed TAvatar.dll.
Download here. Download ColdCircle.exe
09.06.03 - 34.0KB
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