CryptPad - Erik Johnson's Stuff
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About Me
Just an alternative to notepad with functionality built in for my needs that includes:
  • Advanced status bar, showing:
    • Overall Line and Character count
    • Current Line
    • Current Line Character
    • Current Overall Character
    • Selection Length in Lines and Chars
    • Selection Start and End Line and Character
    • Character at Cursor (ASCII Value in Dec/Hex)
  • Various Coding Schemes (by Selection or Document):
    • XOR Characters (Invert=255)
    • Rot-13 (Rotate 13)
    • Alpha Flip (A->Z, Z->A)
    • Reverse (esreveR)
    • UU En/Decode
    • y En/Decode
    • MIME-64
    • ASCII-85
    • URI
    • HTML Entities
    • Hex
    • 7-Bit
  • Reforatting
    • Remove HTML Tags
    • Fix CrLf characters (*nix -> Windows Line Breaks)

Download here. Download CryptPad.exe
21.05.06 - 12.0KB
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